Charming indoor plants with red heart-shaped leaves to beautify your home.

Something special to add to your home, you’ve come to the right place for inspiration. Today we are very happy to present you attractive red heart-shaped houseplants to decorate your home more charmingly and that you will fall in love with. The heart-shaped leaves look adorable and add romantic atmosphere to your home. Unlike a bouquet, these adorable houseplants keep growing, just like your darling. Are you ready to meet them with us?

Instead of placing a vase with fresh flowers just once, houseplants with heart-shaped leaves can express your love forever. With a little care, these houseplants will last much longer than a dozen cut roses and can remind the recipient of your affection all year long as they grow. In other words, you can use them as a meaningful gift for your partner or friend. What’s more, not only are they beautiful with an attractive red color, but they are very easy to grow, so take a look and start growing some at home.

1 Adventure

This plant has bright red, heart-shaped, waxy spatulas with beautifully contrasting deep green leaves.

 2 Begonia Spitfire Rex

Spitfire Rex Begonia produces attractive heart-shaped, rose-red leaves with silver veins.

3 Syngonium podophyllum ‘Red Heart’

This variety features soft pink heart-shaped leaves with prominent veins.

4 Poinsettia

This poinsettia has bright red leaves that contrast beautifully with the green leaves.

 5 Caladio

Caladium features medium to large heart-shaped leaves with a dark red center and light green edges.

 6 Peperomia

This plant has deep-textured, heart-shaped, violet-red leaves.

7 Candelabra plant

The purplish-purple to deep green, heart-shaped leaves of Adenia stylosa have dark red veins.

8 Crassula pellucida subsp. marginal f. Rojo

This attractive succulent features fleshy, heart-shaped, lilac-pink leaves with red edges.

9 Best Red Lithops

The plant has no stem and looks like gray stones with red flecks on flat surfaces.

10 Hybrid Philodendron

This plant has large, shiny, heart-shaped leaves, deep green with a red center.

 11 Red wax plant

The red wax plant has heart-shaped leaves that range from dark green to light red with dark spots when grown in sunlight.


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