13 historic moments of Iron Man: From “playboy” uncle to Marvel’s greatest superhero

What is the reason to like a superhero? Just look at the following 13 moments of Iron Man and it will be clear!

(Note: This article contains spoilers for the movie, readers should consider before reading)

Iron Man or Tony Stark , a billionaire, real playboy, philanthropist and superhero of the Avengers team. 11 years with the Avengers, 3 separate films, Iron Man is the first person to lay the foundation, and also the soul of the Marvel cinematic universe (MCU). People love him not because of his sharp armor, handsome appearance or American jokes, Marvel audiences are crazy about Tony Stark because he is the only superhero to publicly reveal his identity. He doesn’t have a trained superpower, he creates it himself. Before saying goodbye to Tony in Avengers: Endgame , let’s review 13 moments that made the greatness of a “superhero”, the hero of millions of Marvel fans around the world.

13 memorable moments of “Iron Man”

1. Iron man 1 : Declaration that Stark Industries stopped producing weapons, starting to correct mistakes

Tony Stark is an arrogant and unpleasant genius billionaire, owner of the Stark weapons manufacturing corporation, who always puts his own interests first. While on a business trip and kidnapped by terrorists, his life was in danger. Fortunately, thanks to Dr. Yinsen, who was also held by terrorists, Tony was able to keep his life and plan to escape.

Yinsen sacrificed his life to protect Tony, even though he was the indirect author of the painful war in his homeland. Tony realized his mistake as well as understood that the weapons produced by his own company had caused misfortune to many people. That’s why as soon as he returned, when his body had not even recovered, he announced that Stark Industries would stop producing weapons that would shock the world. After that, ignoring all questions, Tony determined to stay home and heal himself and create a suit of armor to help others.

2. Iron man 1 : “I am Iron man !”

After the fight that nearly cost Tony his life with one of his most trusted people, Stane Obadiah – the ringleader of the kidnapping, Iron Man accidentally appeared all over the newspapers with a strange armor.

All theories point to the boss of Stark Industries even though there is no official information about either of them. During the press conference where he had to announce Stane’s death as well as the events that happened at the Stark Industries building, even though he was given a cover story by Agent Shield, Tony still did not hide it and arrogantly admitted it. , “I am Iron man “.

This moment was originally according to the original script, RDJ would have repeated what Shield had prepared but no, he was inspired to add this line and immediately received approval from the whole studio.

“I am Iron man!” is the beginning of Marvel’s most epic superhero era.

3. The Avengers: “Genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist!”

In The Avengers (2012), Steve Rogers and Tony Stark just met and had a fight. The funny line that fans love the most is when Steve angrily asked Tony a question:


“Big man in armor, take it off, what are you?”


And Tony shot back immediately, “Genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist!”

After the sentence ” I am Iron man ! “, this is the sentence that creates the trademark of the genius and arrogant billionaire Tony Stark.

4. The Avengers: “I have a plan, attack!”

At this time, the group had just captured Loki and was moving back to Shield headquarters. Unexpectedly, the God of Thunder, Thor, fell from the sky and just grabbed Loki’s neck. Determined to reclaim the prisoner, Tony immediately opened the plane door and decided to jump in with him. But before Tony could do anything, Steve immediately stopped, “We have to come up with a battle plan first!”

In return, Tony disdainfully replied, “I have a plan, attack!!”. Needless to say, this is the pride and arrogance of someone who always wins and fights alone.

5. Tony confronts Loki: “WE have a Hulk!

A scene at Stark Tower when Loki wants to use the staff to conquer Tony. Loki says, “I have an army from space” and Tony is like, “So what? We have the Hulk!”

The special thing here is that Tony uttered the word “We”, meaning he really saw himself as part of the team and fought as part of them.

6. The Avengers: Iron Man sacrifices himself to bring nuclear missiles into space

The space gate opened by Loki in Manhattan brought with it a powerful Chitauri army, and to prevent disaster, Nick Fury decided to launch a nuclear missile to Manhattan to wipe them all out. Faced with the risk of innocent people’s lives being destroyed, Tony changed Fury’s plan, alone carried the missile through the gate straight to the Chitauri base and successfully destroyed them. In return, Tony’s armor loses all fuel and he falls freely through the portal. Luckily, he was picked up by Hulk from a deadly height and survived.

This moment is the clearest proof that Tony Stark, whether he is a foul-mouthed, selfish person or not, is always willing to sacrifice for others without caring about his own life.

7. Tony saw the tragedy of losing and his teammates dying

In the second part of Avengers, Tony was given an image in his head by Scarlet Witch, which was the tragic defeat of the Avengers team, in which bodies were everywhere and members of the team were dead and barely alive.

Even though he knew it wasn’t real, this was the image that haunted Tony forever after, causing him to make wrong decisions like when creating Ultron. But no matter what, he was afraid of losing, he was afraid of losing his teammates and the Earth would be extinct. That’s why he constantly does everything to prevent that bad scenario.

8. Tony gave up his freedom and signed the Sokovia accords

Civil War is when the Avengers team was split in half because of the Sokovia accord. The agreement requires superheroes to declare their identities to the government so that the government can monitor and regulate all activities of superheroes. While Captain America opposes this because he does not trust the government and wants his team to be able to operate freely, Tony, due to guilt for creating Ultron and causing people in Sokovia to die unjustly, Convince everyone to sign the agreement.

9. Tony watches the tape of the Winter soldier killing his parents

This is one of the most heartbreaking moments for Tony Stark. When all three of Captain America , Winter Soldier and Iron Man were lured to Siberia by Zemo, he showed a short video in which the Winter Soldier attacked the Stark couple.

This scene, voted by many fans as one of the pinnacles of RDJ’s acting, makes fans shiver every time they watch it as Tony Stark’s eyes range from shock, to pain, to anger and finally to tears. devastated by betrayal when Captain America said he knew about this.

10. “I was also your friend!”

Unable to control his anger, Tony rushed into the Winter Soldier and a three-person fight broke out. During this, Steve tries to convince Tony that Bucky is just brainwashed and that he is his friend. In response to this, Tony exclaimed, “I was once your friend too!”


Tony Stark is a loner and rarely admits that he has friends. The closest people next to him are his fellow Avengers in life and death. And we all know how afraid Tony is of losing them. In return, Steve chose to put his childhood friend first. At this moment, the relationship between him and Steve had completely broken down, and what Tony talked about was a “once” friendship.

11. Tony said to Peter: “I want you to be better!”

In the first part of “Little Spider”, there is a scene where Peter alone risked his life to save innocent people on the ship and luckily Tony arrived to help.

12. Infinity war : Tony watches Peter disappear

At the end of Avengers: Infinity war , the scene where half the universe disappears is the scene that brought the most tears from the audience. The quote that became trending on social networking sites was from Spiderman . When he felt he was about to die, he quickly hugged Tony, sobbing, “Uncle Stark, I don’t feel good. I don’t want to die!”.

Tony, as we know, is the most complex person in the MCU, and this scene hit Tony directly because right after Peter disappeared, we immediately saw how startled and tormented he was.

13. I am Iron man !

In Endgame, when all the other superheroes had almost collapsed under Thanos’ power, Tony made his own choice. He single-handedly distracted Thanos and stole the stones, installing them in his right arm. Then when Thanos arrogantly said he was what had to happen, Tony, simply replied, “And I, I am Iron Man ” and snapped his fingers, wiping out his entire army.

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