Victor decides who to fire

At Society, Devon quietly crept up behind Abby and huskily requested to make a reservation for 52 people that night. Turning to face him, she doubted there were 52 people he wanted to be with. They hugged and kissed hello, and he shared the news that Aria was doing fantastic with her new hearing aids. Abby thanked Devon for telling her in person, and he figured it had been a good excuse to see her. He mentioned that he was about to stop by their old place to see Lily, noting that he felt a little unsettled about all the recent changes.

Abby hoped Devon wasn’t talking about wanting to move back into his old building. Devon insisted that the Abbott mansion felt like home and that Dominic loved it there. Devon clarified that he’d been talking mostly about Chancellor-Winters and Mamie’s investment in it. He fretted that his aunt was adamant about Nate returning to the fold, but he thought more time needed to go by before considering having his cousin return to the company. Devon worried that Mamie was trying to force family unity by pushing him and Lily to do things they weren’t ready for.

Abby empathized, noting that her own family communicated via business memos and hostile takeovers. She asserted that Devon was strong enough not to be manipulated by anyone, and she urged him to trust his instincts. Devon confided that he believed Tucker had been behind Mamie’s investment in Chancellor-Winters. Abby had faith Devon would do the right thing, and she encouraged him to meet with Lily to figure out what the two of them wanted. Abby was certain Devon wouldn’t let Mamie push him around or allow Tucker to bully him into anything. Devon said he loved Abby for making everything sound so simple. They kissed, and he headed out.

At Lily’s penthouse, Daniel asked if he’d told Lily lately what a genius she was for recommending that he hire Sally to decorate his new place. Lily replied that he was a genius for listening to her. Daniel indicated that he’d be meeting Sally in an hour, and he wondered whether Lily was free to be part of the process. Lily informed him that she had some Chancellor-Winters business to take care of, but she offered to meet him if she finished early. Daniel inquired whether she was still cool with him living just a few floors down from her.

Lily pointed out that it was a little late for Daniel to ask when he’d already bought the place, and he explained that he wanted her to be as excited as he was about it. “If I’m being honest …” she tentatively began before broadly smiling and leaning in to kiss him. She assured him that she was thrilled that they’d be close to one another. Lily asked when Daniel was meeting with Sally, and he amorously replied that he had a little bit of time. Daniel wondered when Devon was supposed to be there, and Lily cooed that she had a little time, too. They kissed again.

Later, Lily and Devon wrapped up some work. Lily shared that she’d been thinking a lot about what Mamie had done and hoped to do, and she felt like Mamie’s dreams for the company hinged on Nate working with them again. Lily pondered whether that was even a possibility. Devon conceded that he’d been asking himself the same question about Nate, and he was willing to consider it. Devon appreciated what Mamie was trying to do, but he also suspected that she wasn’t being honest about her plans for the company and whether they involved Jill. Lily sensed that Mamie was hoping they’d lean more on family loyalty than their personal connection to Jill.

Devon contended that Jill owned half the company, and Mamie had no way of getting around that. Lily speculated that Mamie’s ultimate plan was to push Jill out and have their family be the sole owners of Chancellor-Winters. Devon couldn’t imagine Mamie having the power or money to take Jill down. Lily agreed that Mamie couldn’t do it without a partner, and she turned the topic to Tucker. Devon was tired of worrying about what Tucker would or wouldn’t do to the people Devon cared about. “Which brings us back to Nate,” Lily said.

Devon considered it a moot point, since Nate had already made it clear that he wasn’t interested in leaving Newman. Lily pointed out that work aside, it would still mean a lot to Mamie if Devon reconciled things with Nate. Devon realized it meant as much to Lily as it did to Mamie. Lily explained that having their aunt back in town and talking about having the family together again had struck a chord with her, and Nate had attempted to put the past in the past. Devon agreed to give it a try for Lily and Mamie’s sakes, and he headed out. In the corridor, he sent a text message to Nate, asking if Nate was free to grab a drink later.

Devon found Abby folding napkins when he returned to Society. He noted that she had people to do that for her, but she said she found it relaxing. Devon indicated that he and Lily were on the same page about Mamie and Tucker, and they’d decided to listen to one of them and be suspicious of the other. He figured Abby could guess which was which. Devon shared that he’d also made a move to reach out to Nate. Abby chirped that was a step in the right direction.

Heather and Lucy wheeled their luggage into the Athletic Club lobby and exchanged a look of excitement. Lucy hoped her dad had found them somewhere to live, and Heather asked what the teen had against the club. Lucy complained that it felt temporary, and the move would feel more real once they had their own place. Heather said she felt the same way, and she planned to reach out to Daniel once they got settled in. Lucy warned her not to tell Daniel they were there, since Lucy wanted it to be a surprise. Lucy confirmed that she was happy and relieved to be back because she’d missed home and her dad.

Over lunch at the club, Heather marveled that it felt right to be home. “Almost,” Lucy prompted, and Heather agreed that it was time to call Daniel. Heather left Daniel a voicemail, wondering if he’d found a place for her and Lucy to stay when they returned to Genoa City.

Chloe and Sally ran into one another at Crimson Lights. Chloe observed that Sally looked chipper and more energetic than Chloe had seen in a long time, and she asked what was going on. Sally shared that she was about to meet with her first client, Daniel. Sally described her vision for Daniel’s place, figuring that he’d want something interesting but personal as an artist. Chloe enthused that she was happy things were finally turning around for Sally. Sally mused that she had been starting to wonder if she would ever wake up and be excited for life again, and she couldn’t believe she’d gotten there. Chloe surmised that things were back on track with Sally and Nick.

Sally revealed that things were fine professionally with Nick, but he had made it clear on a personal front that she needed to figure out who she was and what she wanted. Chloe assumed that a “designer extraordinaire” like Sally wanted a successful, gratifying future with Nick as a partner in every way. Sally loved how Chloe was able to cut through the emotional clutter and get to the bottom line, but she confided that the “swift kick in the ass” Nick had given her had really woken her up. Sally proclaimed that she was tired of wrapping herself in a shroud of confusion and despair, pretending it was comforting her when it was more like a straitjacket.

Chloe recognized that Sally had been through a lot, but Sally contended that it didn’t give her permission to mope and cry into her pillow forever. Sally found it embarrassing and pathetic, and she’d realized that she hadn’t been enjoying her own company anymore, so she couldn’t expect anyone else to, either. Chloe pointed out that she hadn’t complained, and Sally called her an incredible friend. Sally vowed to get her act together and be done with the sadness and “poor me” attitude. She promised to embrace her new career, live her life, and get her spark back. “I am Sally Spectra, and I am finally going to start living the name again,” Sally declared, and the women high-fived.

Chloe exclaimed that Sally had a great new plan — as long as it didn’t include Adam. Chloe groaned that she’d had a crappy few days, and she’d needed to be reminded that she didn’t have to be living like that. Sally asked what had happened, but Daniel’s arrival interrupted them. Sally introduced him as the first client of her new business, and Chloe jokingly remarked that he looked oddly familiar. Daniel and Chloe warmly embraced.

Sally thanked Daniel for sending photos of his new place, and she eagerly anticipated walking him through her ideas. Daniel stepped aside to answer a call. Sally invited Chloe to join her at Daniel’s apartment, hoping to exploit her friend’s wisdom and impeccable taste. Chloe realized that she had a couple of hours until her next meeting, which she’d rather have a root canal than attend. Chloe preferred not to rain on Sally’s parade by getting into it, and she happily agreed to tag along.

Daniel escorted Sally and Chloe to his new apartment, failing to see the missed call from Heather. Chloe sarcastically said she loved the folding table, and Sally jokingly added that he clearly didn’t need her. Sally pressed to get a general sense of his perfect living space, and Daniel responded that he wanted something comfortable and relaxed that felt like someone who appreciated both art and technology lived there. Sally confirmed they were on the same page, and she suggested they get started. There was a knock at the door, and Daniel assumed it was Lily. He grinned happily when he found Lucy there.

Daniel hugged Lucy and welcomed her back. Heather appeared in the doorway, and Daniel introduced Sally to Heather and Lucy. He mentioned that Sally had been just about to give her vision about how to decorate the place, and Heather expressed relief that he wasn’t going to do it himself. Daniel asked how Heather and Lucy had known where to find him, and Lucy reminded him that he’d sent photos and the address when he’d pretended to need her final approval. Daniel defended that he’d known Lucy would love it, but she claimed that she hated it. Daniel guessed she didn’t need her own room then. Lucy cried that she loved it, and she threw her arms around him.

Later, Sally promised to give Daniel a call once she had sketches and a preliminary budget. After Sally and Chloe headed out, Daniel expressed disbelief that Heather and Lucy were actually there. He shared that he’d had a weird feeling that they might get back to Lisbon and decide they didn’t want to move back to Genoa City. Daniel reported that he might have found them a place to live that was less than a mile from there and would be available in just over a month. Lucy looked crestfallen, and Heather mentioned that the teen wasn’t looking forward to living at the Athletic Club.

Lucy halfheartedly said it would be fine, but Daniel invited Lucy to stay with him as often as she wanted once he had furniture moved in. Lily stood in the open doorway as Lucy embraced Daniel. Lily closed the door to make her presence known. Daniel informed her that Sally and Chloe had just left, and he offered to tell Lily about it over dinner. Lucy squealed that she’d picked the color for her own room. Lily noted that she’d missed the walkthrough, but Heather and Lucy had gotten the full tour. Lily added that she hadn’t known they were back in town.

Sally and Chloe returned to the coffeehouse and compared notes about how much fun they’d had. Sally realized she’d missed how in sync they were, and Chloe replied that she missed it, too. Sally selfishly wished Chloe hadn’t settled in at Marchetti, but she was happy Chloe had found success there. Chloe looked away, and Sally asked if work had been the reason why Chloe had had a few bad days. Chloe bemoaned that she thought she’d made a terrible mistake.

At Newman Enterprises, Victor proclaimed that it was time to tell everyone the truth. He admitted that his mental state had become precarious lately, and he’d been in denial about it for a while, but something needed to be done about it. Nikki stammered that it hadn’t been what she’d hoped he’d say. Adam admired his father for facing what they’d all noticed, and Victor testily asked if it was why Adam had tried to trick him into being evaluated by a doctor without his consent. Adam doubted Victor would have cooperated if Adam had been transparent.

Victor confessed that he’d faked that he’d been pretending the whole thing because he’d been afraid about what was happening to him, and he apologized. Victoria and Nick confided that they’d both suspected that was what Victor had been doing. Victoria asked what needed to be done. Victor considered the top priority to be protecting the integrity of Newman Enterprises, but Victoria protested that their top priority was to protect his health. Nick agreed with Victoria.

Nate insisted that they needed a diagnosis and treatment plan, assuming Victor’s condition was treatable. Victor mentioned that Nate thought Victor should take a leave of absence. Nate revealed that he and Victor had already discussed it, and he shared that he’d made calls to a few former colleagues and found a world-class private clinic where Victor could be tested and diagnosed. Nate continued that they would need to create a cover story to explain Victor’s absence, and he’d already drafted a press release. Victor inquired whether Adam concurred with Nate’s plan of action. “No, I don’t. Not at all,” Adam firmly replied.

Adam argued that manufacturing a cover story about Victor taking a routine leave of absence might have worked a few decades earlier, but he anticipated that the press and Newman’s rival companies would see it for exactly what it was — a red flag indicating that something was wrong. Victoria was sure there were ways to handle it without that happening, and Adam dared her to convince him of one. Adam predicted that with modern technology, a young reporter was bound to find out where Victor was and exploit him. Nick wondered if Adam had an alternate idea.

Adam proposed that they keep Victor’s diagnosis and treatment in-house for complete privacy, and as a family, they could get Victor whatever was needed and help maintain the appearance of normalcy. Nate warned that it would be a mistake, since Victor needed a controlled, specialized environment. Adam envisioned transforming the ranch or Newman Tower into the most controlled environment in the world, hiring the best specialists money could buy. Nate maintained that it would be a huge mistake to compromise on something that important when Victor’s health was on the line. Victoria asked what Nikki thought.

Nikki clucked that they were getting ahead of themselves before they had an initial diagnosis, and they should find out what they were dealing with before they made an iron-clad decision. Victoria threw up her hands and blurted out that she had to agree with Adam, leaving him stunned. Victoria explained that the more control they maintained as a family, the more they’d be able to protect Victor from the vultures and press, who would attack the minute they sensed something was wrong. She thought it was better he stay, since it would be too risky to send him someplace else.

Nate recognized that they had to control the publicity, but he urged the Newmans to also consider the best treatment. Nate lectured that the doctors could control things more definitively if Victor voluntarily checked into a specialized clinic to be evaluated by some of the best mental health specialists in the world. Victor noted that it would keep him sequestered for an undetermined amount of time, but Nate argued that it would allow the doctors to assess Victor’s condition without outside distractions or influences. Nate added that Victor would be getting expert care for a reality he’d finally accepted that he needed to face.

Victor questioned what would happen to Newman while he was gone, and his family nervously exchanged looks. Nate considered the logical interim arrangement to be Victoria stepping back in as CEO, since she had experience, and Victor had been satisfied with her work overall. Nate figured it would be one less thing for Victor to worry about while he was away to be evaluated. Victor asked if it had been Victoria’s idea, but she denied it.

Nate swore that he’d respected Victor’s request to keep their conversation strictly between them, and Victor said he appreciated that much of what Nate had done. Nate wasn’t sure he understood, and Victor asked Nikki if she thought it was time to drop the charade. Nikki huffed that it was way past time as far as she was concerned. Victor smiled and nodded. “You’re fired,” Victor flatly told Nate, rendering Victoria, Nick, and Adam speechless.

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