Explore the underground cemeteries of Paris

There is a world called “Death’s Empire” that exists quietly beneath the bustling streets of the magnificent capital Paris. 

Catacombes de Paris is where 6 million bodies were buried during the war – Photo: ancient-origins

The dark, narrow and wet underground road will take you to the “ghost city” with 6 million remains and a fascinating historical story.

“Catacombes de Paris” is a catacomb system more than 300km long, 60m deep, located in Denfert-Rochereau Square, District 14 of Paris – where 6 million bodies were buried during times of war and epidemics.

Coming here, visitors need to prepare a “nerve of steel” when entering the catacombs because they will encounter a sign: “Stop now! This is the empire of death” and countless human skulls and bones are arranged neatly and neatly on the walls one after another, creating a gruesome and mysterious scene.

This place is usually not suitable for weak-

Occasionally you will see piles of bones scattered along the path. Tourists can hardly control their curiosity in front of the endless, deep tunnels. The tunnel area only allows visitors to visit some areas, most of the rest are tombs that are prohibited from visiting due to safety issues.

Don’t forget to admire the sculpture simulating the city wall of the island nation of Port-Mahon dating back to the reign of King Louis XV located in the Port-Mahon corridor. It appeared even before 6 million remains were relocated here.

This mysterious catacomb system was established in 1786. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, cemeteries in the city of Paris fell into a state of overcrowding, in addition to alarming hygiene problems. enjoy people’s health.

Some catacomb areas are closed to tourists due to safety issues – Photo: business insider.

Therefore, the French government decided to move all the remains to the underground quarry. This is also the reason why there are very few high-rise buildings or large projects in Paris built with the purpose of minimizing the impact on the “underworld” of the city.

Currently, only a small part of the catacombs is allowed to be exploited for tourism. Of course, that is still not enough to satisfy the curiosity of those who love to explore.

Groups of local youth Cataphiles often sneak into secret tunnels, which they say have hundreds of them scattered throughout Paris mainly to satisfy their curiosity and discover the secrets of this tunnel. . They had to cross winding paths and roads with chest-high water levels. A trip like this is truly not for the “faint-hearted”.

In addition, on Halloween, people cannot ignore the “Empire of Death” – an extremely ideal place for overnight camping activities, parties, and watching ghost movies.

Currently, the city government is tightening illegal intrusion into this tomb through secret routes – Photo: ancient-origins

To tighten the situation of illegal entry into the catacombs, the government imposed a fine of 60 euros for any illegal act and increased strict patrols. But this is difficult to do with a maze like Catacombes.

On Halloween October 31, 2015, you have the opportunity to spend the night in this scary basement with the service of Airbnb – the world-famous room rental website.

Tourists who want to take advantage of this opportunity must pass a short written exam of about 100 words in English or French with the content: Why do you want to stay here?, then sent to Airbnb’s website before December 20. 10 for review.

The two winning guests will be rewarded with a tour around the catacombs and a dinner with creepy violin music in a space filled with only you and a bunch of skulls and piles of human bones.

Before going to sleep, a person will read to you goosebumps-inducing stories and anecdotes about the history of this cellar.

Information For You:

Visiting the catacombs takes about 45 minutes. Remember to bring warm clothes because the temperature in the basement is only about 14 o C. “Death Empire” welcomes visitors from 10am – 5pm, Tuesday to Sunday every week. The cost for the instructor is $4. Adult ticket price is 11 dollars.


This place has countless human skulls and bones scattered everywhere – Photo: ancient-originsOccasionally we see piles of bones along the path – Photo: business insiderThis mysterious tomb system was established in 1786 – Photo: ancient-originsAfter the city cemetery was overloaded, the remains were moved to this cellar – Photo: ancient-originsThere are hundreds of secret tunnels leading into the Empire of Death – Photo: business insiderminded people – Photo: business insider.You will encounter a beautiful lake if you sneak into the forbidden tunnels – Photo: independent.On Halloween, this crypt also attracts bustling tourists – Photo: National geographicThis is also an ideal place for overnight camping, parties, and watching ghost movies – Photo: ancient-origins

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