Astounding Milestone: South Korea Makes History with Launch of First ‘425 Project’ Satellite, Captivating Global Attention!

On April 7, the Korea 425 Project constellation launched its first Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite from Cape Canaveral, Florida, using a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

More than just engineering support during the crucial stages of the End-to-End System and Satellite System projects, Thales Alenia Space has contributed to this program, which was created for the Korean Agency for Defence and Development (ADD) as the prime developer in collaboration with Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) and Hanwha Systems Corporation (HSC).

Our contribution includes the provision of our high-performance Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR), which makes use of a novel antenna made up of an active phased array feed array in dual polarization and a sizable deployable reflector with 24 deployable petals. The ground-based data retransmission, storage, and acquisition system constitutes a noteworthy component of our overall effort. Thales Alenia Space’s Control Momentum Gyroscope and inventive avionics provide the “dancing satellite’s” exceptional agility. High-performance monitoring and surveillance capabilities are made possible by these cutting-edge technologies, and they are essential to the program’s success.

“I am delighted with the successful launch of the first satellite of Korea 425 Project constellation, confirming Thales Alenia Space’s long-standing expertise in the design, development and construction of Earth observation satellites.” said Massimo Comparini, Deputy CEO and Senior Executive Vice President, Observation, Exploration and Navigation at Thales Alenia Space. “As we celebrate this inaugural launch, our attention remains fixed on the horizon, where several milestones await us over the next year: from the meticulous calibration and in-orbit acceptance of the first satellite, to the eagerly awaited launch of the second one, to the completion of rigorous testing for the third and fourth satellites Our company is ready to support our Korean partners. Each step forward is not only a mark of progress, but a testimony of our unwavering commitment to excellence and the limitless potential that lies ahead as well.”

By participating in the 425 Project, Thales Alenia Space is extending its successful partnership with South Korea for space projects, such as the KOMPSAT-5 observation project, the Koreasat family of communication satellites, GEO-KOMPSAT-2, and the recently certified and put into operation KASS satellite navigation system.

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