Unforgettable Moments: Polish Scouts Immortalize Spanish EF-18 Fighter Jet’s Dazzling Acrobatic Performance through Stunning Photography.

Among aviation enthusiasts, people who are passionate about taking pictures of aircraft are referred to as “spotters.” Among them are those who have the extraordinary ability to elevate aircraft photography to the level of art.

Sławek Krajniewski, a Polish photographer who goes under the moniker Hesja, is one such exceptional spotter. His website is as an online gallery showcasing some of the most amazing photos of airplanes you’ll ever see. I was first introduced to his art by the amazing pictures of Polish Air Force aircraft that he always takes.


“On July 7, I had the pleasure and honor of organizing and leading an air-to-air photo shoot with Spanish Air Force F/A-18 Hornets participating in NATO Baltic Air Policing over Lithuania,” Hesja wrote in an enthusiastic update that she shared on her Facebook page last Saturday. Hesja sent her appreciation to the Wing 12 pilots for their cooperation, which produced an amazing set of pictures. (You can click on the pictures to make them larger and see all of the fine details.)


One of these photos, of the EF-18M C.15-62 12-20 unleashing flares, is particularly noteworthy. These jets are from the Spanish Air Force’s Vilkas Detachment, which has been based at Lithuania’s Šiauliai Air Base since March. Flares are used as a defense against surface-to-air missiles, especially ones that use heat-seeking technology.


The AN/AAQ-28(V) LITENING target designator, which is mounted on the belly of one of the Spanish EF-18Ms, is shown in another striking picture. It is the C.15-44 12-02, which is distinguished by its dark-colored nacelle between its air intakes. It is also possible to see the painted artificial cockpit on the lower portion of the aircraft, which is a cunning strategy to fool opponents during aerial battle. IRIS-T short-range air-to-air missiles are mounted on the wings of this fighter.


A striking image captures both the C.15-44 12-02 and the C.15-62 12-20, both equipped with external fuel tanks on their inner wing mounts.


The featured photo of the EF-18M C.15-62 12-20 in this collection is a true masterpiece. It skillfully combines the illumination created by the flares with the fighter’s navigation lights and the condensation trails along the leading edge extensions (LERX).


To complement this series, Juan José Calvo Martínez has shared two additional photos from the session, crediting Hesja as the photographer. While they may not appear on the Polish spotter’s Facebook page, they are equally captivating. In one of the photos, we see the two Spanish fighters soaring over the Lithuanian countryside, with the C.15-62 12-20 proudly displaying the Spanish flag on the front of its cockpit, visible through the HUD. These photos encapsulate the sheer beauty and power of these aircraft against the backdrop of the Lithuanian skies.


Hesja’s exceptional talent for capturing these moments of aviation excellence continues to astonish and inspire, making her a true standout among the community of aviation enthusiasts and photographers.

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