En una mina de oro en California, arqueólogos expusieron reliquias históricas que datan de hace cuarenta millones de años. A mediados del siglo XIX, los mineros descubrieron masas de artefactos elaborados a partir de piedra y restos humanos en sus túneles en Table Mountain y en otras regiones de la zona de extracción de oro. zona minera.
Los expertos consideran que esos huesos y artefactos habían sido localizados en estratos del Eoceno (38 a cincuenta y cinco millones de años). Estos datos se obtuvieron con la ayuda del Dr. J. D. Whitney de California, el geólogo gubernamental de mayor rango. El libro, Las gravas auríferas de la Sierra Nevada de California, se publicó con la ayuda del Museo Peabody de Zoología Comparada de la Universidad de Harvard, en 1880. Quedó eliminado del discurso médico, ya que contenía perspectivas darwinistas sobre los orígenes humanos. En 1849, el oro se ubicó dentro de las gravas de los lechos de los ríos de las montañas de Sierra Nevada.
This discovery attracted a variety of adventurers to cities along with Brandy City, Last Chance and ɩoѕt саmр. Initially, one miner panned the gravels which had made their manner into streambeds to make nuggets and flakes. Gold-mining businesses speedy introduced greater resources. They bored shafts into mountainsides and observed the gravel deposits anywhere they lead, even as others used excessive ргeѕѕᴜгe water jets to easy the auriferous (gold Ьeагіпɡ) gravels from slopes.
A lot of stone artifacts and human bones have been located via way of means of the miners. Scientists heard from J. D. Whitney approximately the maximum critical matters. Surface deposits and artifacts from hydraulic mining have been tough to date, however matters located in deer mine shafts or tunnels can be dated better. J. D. Whitney said that the geological records indicated that the auriferous rocks have been at maximum Pliocene age. Geologists these days assume that a few gravel deposits date returned to the Eocene. Many shafts have been pushed in Tuolumne County, thru Table Mountain’s deeр strata, after which reached the gold-Ьeагіпɡ rocks. In a few cases, there have been shafts that went beneathneath the latite for masses of yards. Gravels proper on pinnacle of the bedrock may be everywhere from 33.2 million to fifty six million years old, at the same time as different gravels may be everywhere from nine million to fifty five million years old. William B. Holmes, a bodily anthropologist on the Smithsonian Institution, said, “If Professor Whitney had completely understood the tale of human evolution as it’s miles regarded these days, he could have hesitated to announce the conclusions reached, despite the fact that he turned into given a massive quantity of proof to returned up his claims.”
Or, to place it any other way, information should be thrown out in the event that they don’t lower back up an idea. This is what arreped did. Whitney nevertheless suggests a number of the matters on the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology on the University of California, Berkeley. Darwinism and different isms additionally affected how the archaeological web website online of Hueyatlaco in Mexico become treated. In the 1970s, archaeologists led through Cynthia Irwin Williams located stone equipment close to animal bones that were killed at some point of exsaatop at Hueyatlaco.
Los geólogos, como Virginia Steen McIntyre, trabajaron juntos para descubrir qué tan antigua era la página. Los geólogos utilizaron cuatro estrategias para descubrir en qué época se volvió la página web: huellas de fisión de circonio cortejando en capas volcánicas sobre capas de artefactos, recolección de uranio cortejando huesos masacrados, gas de circonio cortejando capas volcánicas sobre capas de artefactos y tefra-hidratación cortejando en volcánicas. Cristales en capas volcánicas sobre capas de artefactos. Los arqueólogos comenzaron a notar cuán antigua se volvió la página porque pensaron: (1) Nadie debería haber hecho tales artefactos en toda la Tierra hace 250.000 años; y (2) América del Norte no estuvo habitada hasta hace aproximadamente 15.000 a 20.000 años.